Ford Madox Ford

Here's what Ernest Hemingway has to say about Ford Madox Ford in A Moveable Feast:

"It was Ford Madox Ford, as he called himself then, and he was breathing heavily through a heavy, stained mustache and holding himself as upright as an ambulatory, well clothed, up-ended hogshead."


And a little later: "I was trying to remember what Ezra Pound had told me about Ford, that I must never be very rude to him, that I must remember that he only lied when he was very tired, that he was really a good writer and that he had been through very bad domestic troubles. I tried hard to think of these things but the heavy wheezing, ignoble presence of Ford himself, only touching distance away, made it difficult. But I tried."

In any case, "If the reader prefers," as Hemingway wrote in the introduction, "this book may be regarded as fiction."

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