Old News!

Fiction Rag and Gossip

I love to hear stories about writers. Sherwood Anderson, for example, didn't watch what he was eating and died because he ingested a toothpick along with an hors d'oeurve. Goethe's last words were "More light!" Don DeLillo's sister types all his manuscripts for him.

This site is a collection of such tidbits about some of my favorite writers, and I hope as time goes on other people who are interested in this harmless activity will contribute stories they've heard. But since [standard disclaimer about this being my site and my opinions] then [don't get your nose bent out of joint disclaimer].

And I do mean to favor writers I personally really, really like. To be fair, or to push my opinions on others, I plan to include one page from the author's work, so you can see for yourself how good they are. In fact, one reason I started this site is because I wanted to create a gallery of wonderful pages -- real text from top-notch writers. Most of the time the page I use will be the first page of the given book, though I may break that rule in some instances. But I'll let you know when I do.

I encourage everyone to run out and buy these books, and buy them in hardback, because you'll want to keep them a long, long time and read them over a lot, and paperbacks fall apart after one use. Also, you might want to check out the Banned Books web site. It's harmless.


Martha Conway

P.S. I saw that I was so far compiling a list of women, so to be PC I've included a couple of white males. They're great!

Paulette Bates Alden | "The Reunion" (from Feeding the Eagles)

Marcelle Clements | "A Rendezvous with Sloth" (from The Dog is Us)

Margaret Drabble | The Radiant Way

Deborah Eisenberg | "Days" (from Transactions in a Foreign Currency)

Paula Fox | Desperate Characters

Denis Johnson | "Steady Hands at Seattle General" (from Jesus' Son)

Doris Lessing | The Summer Before the Dark

Jean Rhys | Wide Sargasso Sea

James Salter | American Express

Virginia Woolf | Mrs. Dalloway

Send me a message with stories you know! conway@ced.berkeley.edu
Or go to my Home Page
Or leave for some unrelated land
Or go dissect something
Life is Choice

Last updated 3/13/96 mmc