Three Poems

by Melanie Lewis


That was a night of high, bright tiger-fall.
The judgment, docent always to be
Never to know
What happened when by whom
And where he said she said
While others sang their way into
The fall white, seine white, high bright
All night tiger-fall and
Thank you God light.

By Noon

By noon the information is all in,
The fists and the saddles,
The rides over speed bumps.
Nothing's as rocky as
Man in a man's world.
No one has ever seen
More talent for less money.
Wherever he got it,
We know it's not ours

Thursday List

On Thursdays,
She gets out the Thursday list:
-We highly recommend the moon on Thursdays
-Don't forget to have fun with the children
-Work hard on the masterpiece
-Do something meaningful.

Copyright © 1997
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