When she finally leaves for Germany she has in her pocket the address of the daughter of the Swiss attendant's friend, which as it turns out was better than the grammar drills. They lie together in a Turkish bath in Munich, the very bath where, the daughter of the Swiss attendant's friend tells her, her grandmother once lay with her own American, an American G.I., the G.I. saying to her grandmother even though her head was shaved you're gorgeous, you're beautiful, you're my sweetheart. In France the women had spat at her grandmother's feet and hands not looking directly even when they sold her bread. They were bitterly laughingly glad to shave her and the others and afterwards alone she took her boy to Germany before the war was fully out looking to Americans. She told this one her boy was Frank and that he was named for her country (he could not know) and she came here to find her husband whom she since found out has died. What should she do? She could not return. The American G.I. gave her a ring telling her in his flat Yankee way that he loved her although love was not the word he used and left before the civil ceremony but Laura's friend's grandmother nevertheless considered herself quite married. The child came some months later with the G.I.'s eyes who, when notified with a small photograph and note sent by luftposte, wired enough money, but no more said he, for her to open a dress shop which she had always wanted to do and she was glad her life then turned out. The G.I. was now an accountant in St. Louis and all that other must seem like a dream.

So Laura's friend tells Laura as they lay in the Turkish baths. She tells her about the grandmother who came from France, the mother who was born with G.I. eyes. Only women stay, she warns Laura in her low viola voice, a voice that seems to scratch out sound and sometimes, listening, Laura forgets to fit the voice to words and loses whole strings of a story. Laura, Laura, her friend would then say, Laura come back. Lorelei, she sometimes calls her. Come down from the rocks.